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Showing posts from May, 2017

Subtitles Can Hack You !

Thursday 25 2017         NIIT Programmer's Beware! Subtitle Files Can Hack Your Computer While You're Enjoying Movies Do you watch movies with subtitles? Just last night, I wanted to watch a French movie, so I searched for English subtitles and downloaded it to my computer. Though that film was excellent, this morning a new research from Checkpoint scared me. I was unaware that a little subtitle file could hand over full control of my computer to hackers, while I was enjoying the movie. Yes, you heard that right. A team of researchers at Check Point has  discovered  vulnerabilities in four of the most popular media player applications, which can be exploited by hackers to hijack " any type of device via vulnerabilities; whether it is a PC, a smart TV, or a mobile device " with malicious codes inserted into the subtitle files. " We have now discovered malicious subtitles could be created and delivered to millions of devices autom

Windows 10 In Chinese Version?

  THURSDAY, May 25, 2017     NIIT PROGRAMMER'S Microsoft Unveils Special Version of Windows 10 For Chinese Government China is very strict about censorship, which is why the country has become very paranoid when it comes to adopting foreign technologies. The country  banned Microsoft's Windows operating system  on government computers in 2014 amid concerns about security and US surveillance. Even in the wake of that, China had been pushing its  custom version of Windows XP  and its forked version of  Ubuntu Linux . To deal with this issue and target the world's largest market, Microsoft's CEO for the Greater China region last year confirmed that the company was working on a  Chinese version of Windows 10  that included "more management and security controls" and less bloatware. Now, Microsoft has just announced a new version of its Windows 10, which is now ready for Chinese government agencies to use. In its event in Shan


Thursday 25 2017           NIIT Programmer's Secure VPN Services With Lifetime Subscription (Save up to 95%) - Limited Time Deal PRIVACY – a bit of an Internet buzzword nowadays, because the business model of the Internet has now shifted towards data collection. Today, most users surf the web unaware of the fact that websites and online services collect their personal information, including search histories, location, and buying habits and make millions by sharing your data with advertisers and marketers. If this is not enough, then there are governments across the world conducting mass surveillance, and hackers and cyber criminals who can easily steal sensitive data from the ill-equipped networks, websites, and PCs. So, what's the solution and how can you protect your privacy, defend against government surveillance and prevent malware attacks? No matter which Internet connection you are using to go online, one of the most efficient solutions to

Wanna Cry Ransom-ware (New Threat)

😈 Wanna Cry  Ransom-ware 😈 A type of virus that infect computers, and then prevent the user from accessing the operating system, or encrypts all the data stored on the computer, The user asks the ransom to pay a fixed amount of money, as opposed to decrypting files or allowing access again to the operating system. Wanna Cry Ransom-ware  Guidelines  to stay safe : Be careful to click on harmful links in your emails. Be wary of visiting unsafe or unreliable sites. Never click on a link that you do not trust on a web page or access to Facebook or messaging applications such as WhatsApp and other applications. If you receive a message from your friend with a link, ask him before opening the link to confirm, (infected machines send random messages with links). Keep your files backed up regularly and periodically. Be aware of fraudulent e-mail messages that use names similar to popular services such as Pay Pal  instead of Pay Pal  or