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Showing posts from July, 2017

Interesting Fact's About I.T !

10 Interesting Facts About The Internet You Really Need To Know Short Bytes :   Most of us can not imagine life without access to   the internet for reasons ranging from social networking to doing projects and collecting   information. But, not all of us know about these interesting facts about the internet and its usage. F rom surfing to taking help from the internet for doing projects and collecting information, today we find it difficult to imagine our life without the internet. But not many of us know these interesting yet important facts about the internet. So, let’s have a quick look at it: 1.  Approximately 3.2 billion people use the internet. Out of this, 1.7 billion of internet users are Asians. In fact, it is estimated that approximately 200 billion emails and 3 billion Google search would have to wait if the internet goes down for a day. 2.  China has treatment camps for internet addicts. 200 million Internet users in China are between the ages of 15 and 35.


How To   Cracking WPA/WPA2 – PSK Encryption NIIT PROGRAMMER’S |   0 2-JULY-2017 12:00 P.M About a month ago, to my embarrassment, I learned that my Wi-Fi password was so weak that even my 10 year old neighbor  could crack it… No, not really. §   A little Disclaimer – The contents of this post are solely for ethical and educational purposes. You may not use it for unethical purposes. The Author or the Website is not responsible for any damage to yourself, your network, or the computers in you network, should something go wrong. (Basically guys, be careful where you use this and please don’t do anything stupid.) We’re going to start with a little introduction to Kali Linux, because that is the OS I prefer, is the easiest for this task and comes with all the tools we need. “Kali” is a Linux distribution and is the successor to the much acclaimed Backtrack, which many of you reading this article