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Showing posts from 2019

Lack of STEM diversity is causing AI to have a ‘white male’ bias

A  report  from New York University’s AI Now Institute has found a predominantly white male coding workforce is causing bias in algorithms. The report highlights that – while gradually narrowing – the lack of diverse representation at major technology companies such as Microsoft, Google, and Facebook is causing AIs to cater more towards white males. For example, at Facebook just 15 percent of the company’s AI staff are women. The problem is even more substantial at Google where just 10 percent are female. Report authors Sarah Myers West, Meredith Whittaker and Kate Crawford wrote: “To date, the diversity problems of the AI industry and the issues of bias in the systems it builds have tended to be considered separately.  We suggest that these are two versions of the same problem: issues of discrimination in the workforce and in system building are deeply intertwined.” As artificial intelligence becomes used more across society, there’s a danger of some groups being lef

Babylon Health erases AI test event for its chatbot doctor

Babylon Health  has removed all traces of an AI test event it held last year to promote its chatbot doctor. The company’s  GP at Hand  app, which features the chatbot and can provide a video link with a doctor, was promoted by former UK digital secretary Matt Hancock and is backed by the NHS. Furthermore, Samsung  partnered  with Babylon Health last year to integrate the service with compatible Galaxy devices Babylon Health’s AI-powered chatbot aims to provide guidance on how a patient should proceed. The idea is to reduce the pressure on the health service from patients whose symptoms could be dealt with at home. In theory, it’s a great idea and will one day be how we access healthcare. However, as AI News has  reported  in the past, it’s currently not robust enough and has presented advice which could result in fatalities. Twitter user  ‘Dr Murphy’  has been highlighting the failures of GP at Hand over the past few years.  One concerning example provi

What is Deep Learning?

Deep Learning is a subfield of machine learning concerned with algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain called artificial neural networks. If you are just starting out in the field of deep learning or you had some experience with neural networks some time ago, you may be confused. I know I was confused initially and so were many of my colleagues and friends who learned and used neural networks in the 1990s and early 2000s. The leaders and experts in the field have ideas of what deep learning is and these specific and nuanced perspectives shed a lot of light on what deep learning is all about. In this post, you will discover exactly what deep learning is by hearing from a range of experts and leaders in the field. Let’s dive in. Deep Learning is Large Neural Networks Andrew Ng  from Coursera and Chief Scientist at Baidu Research formally founded  Google Brain  that eventually resulted in the productization of deep learning techno